A little known fact about The Dodger Stadium Hot Dog Stand located at 1000 Elysian Park Ave is that they recently, on occasion play baseball games in the center of the restaurant. What a smart addition to an already amazing dining experience! Not only can you enjoy the finest $8 garlic fries, $5 Dodger Dogs (long, skinny hot dogs) and extremely high-priced beverages, you also get to see some hardball as well! The baseball team's name is of course the "Dodgers", named after the restaurants signature "Dodger Dogs" and now for eighty one nights throughout the spring and summer you can get the family together, head to Chavez Ravine and soak in this invigorating experience. I usually start with an appetizer like the aforementioned garlic fries and a Coke. For my entree it's always a Dodger Dog (or three) and for my third course I finish with a delicious malt cup served with a very sturdy little wooden paddle which is used to scoop out this unsuspecting hero of deserts. From start to finish this restaurant consistently provides it's visitors with variety of quality food with plenty of condiments. Not to mention FREE napkins!
Now some restaurant patrons have complained that the parking is bit expensive and also that the baseball being played there is of poor quality compared to some of the other restaurant teams around the country. The ownership seems to be doing nothing about this. The pitchers (another restaurant term) are having a difficult time keeping the baseball from entering the eating area as they tend to "serve" up a lot of home runs lately. The other teams batters are consistently hitting the balls away from the grassy field part of the restaurant and into the dining room. This is fun to watch because people jump right up from their dinners and claw, scratch and climb over each other for one of these painful souvenirs, often spilling very expensive beverages in the process. This "home run" trend apparently makes the Dodgers "lose" and because of that, less and less people are coming to Dodger Stadium to watch the game and more are coming for the ever popular food, which for restaurant purists is how it should be. However, hungry people and baseball fans throughout Los Angeles agree that if only this restaurant could find a solid Ace to anchor this pitching staff along with putting in more ATM's and Buffalo Wing stations in the Loge Sections, they'd come to the restaurant more often. "When the team consistently blows the lead you better have some killer grub to keep these people in their seats" said Brody a local Barista from Silverlake. "I hope they find some new players, bro so the team can have a winning streak. That'd be sweeeeet. Slaters..." added his buddy Carson as he walked away in flip flops.
Cutting Edge? Yes.
Outside the box? Indeed.
Optimistic? Always.
And although it's been a tough sell lately, I'm sure these baseball playing Los Angeles Dodger Dogs can find a way to edge out the competition and secure the top spot in one of the toughest restaurant baseball divisions, the National League West. Your city supports you. You and your delicious weenies.
(choose your seat wisely. some require a glove)
(heaven on earth)
(upper deck wheelchair access issue: solved)
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